Friday, April 2, 2010

"One Click"

I was relieved to see the "download successful" window pop up on the screen, after an intense 6 hour download procedure. In the process of shutting down to re-boot, I noticed another window with an enticing message. As I began to read, I invited my wife, Kelly to read along with me. Bearing the titled "Are You Lonely?," you can only imagine all of the fulfilling promises that came along with it. This was a scheme of the devil and he was offering me all of the kingdoms of the world, all with just "one click."

Think about it; with just "one click" I could have been on a slippery slope, sliding straight to Hell! I don't normally preach fire and brimstone, but I am here to tell you that the devil is out to spiritually destroy you and eternally separate you from God! Don't ever doubt it!

Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil(Ephesians6:11NASB).If you don't have a plan for standing firm, I suggest you develop one today! If you are married, invite your wife to read along with you when this situation occurs (notice I said when). This will help to protect the covenant you have with your spouse and the covenant you have with God! This will also open the door for divine protection in your marriage! And finally this will build up a trust value that can not be obtained any other way! If you are single, you might want to look into some type of on-line accountability group, or establish some type of pact with your closest friend! Either way, don't get caught up in this battle without your armor! And remember that it only takes "one click" to accept this scheme or "one click" to decline it.

Praise Him!